
4 tips to help you choose the right floor color

Interior decorators and architects study long and hard to master the art of color matching. So, don’t feel inadequate if, when choosing the perfect floor color to complement your interior, you are baffled by the endless possibilities. However, An Cuong Flooring is happy to offer you a few basic tips.

Tip 1: The room size

No matter how big or small the room is, the color of your floor will always have a major impact on the feeling of space you get in a room. Is your room large and wide? Then you might want to consider using warm or dark tones, like wengé or walnut, for your new floor. These colors tend to make large rooms seem smaller, which makes them a lot cozier.

And the best part is, this effect also works in the other direction. If you are cramped for space in a tiny room, using the right colors can make all the difference. Try using lighter, natural floor colors like beiges or light oak. These shades have the ability to really open up a room, without you having to throw out half of your furniture.

Sử dụng sàn SPC SA 39 giúp không gian phòng ngủ nhỏ trở nên rộng rãi
Using SA 39 SPC floor helps the small bedroom become spacious

Tip 2: The effect of colors

The way you decorate and the colors you choose for your floor and walls will have a huge impact on the atmosphere in the room. Light colors will give the space a sunnier, happier feel. Shades of yellow stand for optimism and fun, while white and light beige will give the room a sense of openness and purity. Want to keep your interior peaceful and cool? Then go for timeless grey tones. An interior dominated by brown colors will have a very natural and rustic feel, while black stands for luxury and class. A black floor also gives the room a powerful and dramatic edge, full of contrast.

Với tông màu nâu sáng, sàn SPC SA 14 giúp căn phòng vừa ấm cúng mà vẫn ấn tượng
With light brown tones, SA 14 SPC flooring helps to make the room both cozy and impressive

Tip 3: Use the light

Throughout the day, the lighting in your room changes gradually. Judging a floor sample color at night, in artificial light, will give you a very different impression than during mid-afternoon in the natural sunlight. So make sure you judge the samples at different times of the day, with different lighting. Take a second to think about what kind of light you want for your new floor. A kitchen you walk in and out of all day long, a bedroom that’s night-only, or a children’s playroom that they only use in the afternoon… every room type has its own unique lighting.

Tip 4: Mind the bigger picture

Don’t choose your floor color based on an empty room. Make sure it also matches the broader style and feel you want to give your interior. Do you have some design furniture that you want to emphasize? Then use natural colors, that will create a neutral canvas and allow your furniture to take center stage. Red tones bring a sense of luxury and go well with heavy, colonial furnishings. In general, brown tints are the best match for a country-style interior.

It’s always a good idea to take along some elements that represent your interior. A throw pillow, a paint chip, or a cabinet wood sample from the room that’s getting a new floor, can be a great help to determine the right color. Using these samples will make your decision a lot easier.

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