
How to install standard wooden SPC flooring

In addition to the correct installation technique, to have a beautiful space, users also need to pay attention to the floor installation direction to highlight the typical wood grain pattern of the plank.

A question that many people wonder is Should the floor be vertical or horizontal? Which direction is correct?
There is no exact answer to this question. Because each SPC floor plank is simulated in a different wood grain pattern. The wood grain surface of each type has different characteristics, contours, and colors. Therefore, the choice of installation direction depends heavily on the experience of the installation workers and the specific layout of the room to maximize the beauty of the floor surface.
However, there are two ways to choose the following popular flooring direction that many construction workers apply in many projects.

Installing the floor parallel to the light direction

This is the ideal way to highlight the sophisticated beauty of the wood grain. When the light is in straight lines to the surface of the floor, the grain will appear clearly and showing every angle.

Installing the floor parallel to the direction of light from the main door or window is an option to help highlight the wood grain
Installing the floor parallel to the direction of light from the main door or window is an option to help highlight the wood grain

Choose direction based on room area

Depending on the design of each room, the worker will calculate the installation direction accordingly. For example, if the length of the room is two or more times larger than the width, the worker will choose to install the wood panel along the length of the long side of the room to ensure a harmonious space.

Choose a straight parallel or herringbone style depending on the room area and light direction
Choose a straight parallel or herringbone style depending on the room area and light direction

Case the room has the same length and width, the worker will prioritize the installation in the direction of the light.

Understanding the correct technique and direction for each case will help you make the right choice, providing the most beautiful space.

Whether a residential building or a commercial building becomes prominent depends a lot on this factor. Therefore, you should find a reputable, experienced construction company that will be safer and more quality for your project.

Hopefully, the sharing on An Cuong Flooring has helped you how to install the floor so that it is beautiful and standard.

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